Professional Services | Centre for Industrial Relation and Network (CiRNeT)
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Professional Services

Character working - AdopTI by Diego Alencar on Dribbble

  1. Serve as a One-Stop Referral Center in the strategic relationship and network of industries-universities
  2. Cultivate and implement strategic relationships and networks involving government, universities, and industry
  3. Provide advisory services in determining the suitability of projects that meet the KPIs of the Industry Network.
  4. Assist in providing advisory services in the process of matching relationship documentation and strategic network of industries-universities (MoU/MoA/LoI/MoC/NDA)
  5. Match university resources and expertise with industry needs
  6. Assist in the process of enhancing strategic relationships and networks with domestic and international industries
  7.  Engage an industry expert in the development and transformation of the university
  8. Cultivate efforts and collaboration in various aspects of CSR between universities and industry.
  9. Coordinate and manage industrial project trust accounts, industrial training, philanthropy, and industrial grants
  10. Carry out collaborative activities with industry such as organizing training, industrial training placement opportunities, and industrial relations to enhance the professionalism of UPM staff and students in a package and current demand.

Updated:: 24/07/2021 [zaidi_tajuddin]